The day was coming to an end, as the dusk settled down into balmy night. The future of five players lied on two pairs of shoulders. Holding the rear down stood the experienced quick hitter. His panicky naïve partner pounced around at the front, sinews contracting dangerously tight. Every pore on that dusty court percolated with salty streams of water. The score was split right down the middle, but the time dawdling away, both sides knew it was time to be settled. The pattering of nervous parents and friends became the only echo to be heard, as the surrounding grew dead silent. And then it began, that last feeble attempt to justify the year’s success. The strung pieces of metal shaved hair of that resplendent yellow orb with each swing, while only four lungs seemed to be functioning. That’s when we heard the repugnant crack of a string, causing every back to flinch with unease. The naïve one had let his unchecked vigor loose, bringing the season down with that descending orb.
Balmy: adj.- pleasantly warm
Panicky: adj.- overexcited
Sinews: noun- a piece of tough fibrous tissue
Percolated: verb- a liquid gradually filtering through a surface
Dawdling: verb- to be slow
Pattering: verb- a repeated light tapping sound
Resplendent: adj.- attractive or impressive by having a rich color
Orb: noun- a spherical globe
Repugnant: adj.- making someone feel physically repelled
Vigor: noun- physical strength
1 comment:
gads. call it something other than poem. it is so cool antony. i love the orb at the end. the tennis ball with hair. all of the images are very new. It works. i think this is my favorite poem from you this year. - elmeer
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